"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7)
Question: WHO do you think you are? I'm asking because WHO you think you are determines WHAT you do! Often times we live outside the realm of our birthright and beneath the distinction of it's truth. We accept a lifestyle, relationships, jobs, circumstances, form paradigms, hold our hope and even it's evidence, faith, all to a standard beneath our birthright. We allow ourselves to be treated less than the brilliance of our light demands. Many of us even dim our light in fear of rejection. Listen, I always say the light of who we are should shine bright at all times. If anyone doesn't like that, there are 2 options, 1) put on some sunglasses OR 2) keep standing in the "shade" LOL. In the infamous and immortal words of dear Sweet Brown, "ain't nobody got time for that!"
We teach people how to treat us based upon how we treat ourselves. We cannot demand love, truth or respect if we don't 1st gift ourselves with it. It is impossible to give away that which you do not already possess yourself. There is a difference being full of yourself and being full on yourself. Being full on yourself is conceit but being full of yourself is confidence. David said, "my cup runneth over". The only way our cup can run over, is they must be continually full. It is imperative to remain in a state of being full not complacent. You have to do whatever it takes to stay full. When you are low it is imperative to fill up on GOD's hope for your life. Are you FULLY living in the space of you?
When you don't fully know who you are you become what others project you to be. Is that relationship, that career, that ambition, that dream, that desire really in alignment with GOD? Are you dating the potential rather than reality? Are you accepting the lies of perception or really living in the fullness of truth? Have you given up on yourself, on that hope, that dream? Are you in sync with the rhythm of GOD's heartbeat? Are you FULLY living in the space of you?
We teach people how to treat us, not by how well we treat others, but it's determined on how well we treat ourselves. Ladies, if a guy knows that you are willing to lower your standard to be with him, he will never raise his to fully be with you. Men, if you don't fully respect yourself, why are you upset when a lady doesn't have respect for you? If we don't demand respect on our jobs based on our presence, the excellency and truth of our work and never speak up in an intelligent manner when we know we deserve better, we will never get it. It is not our job to convince anyone of our light. Our 1 job we have in our existence is to BE light, this is why you were created. So my question is do you know WHO you are? Because WHO you are determines WHAT you do. And you were created to be light, live in the awesome realm of your birthright and overflow on to others. Are you FULLY living in the space of you?
I love you relentlessly, GOD loves you fiercely, and say it with me...GOD is crazy faithful!
His Joy,
Christian Joy
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