Thursday, October 3, 2013

Got Dreams?

Ok so I've been in the bed sick for a few days (no worries I'm not least I don't think so...I digress) so I've been able to watch my favorite morning show GMA in its entirety! Ok, maybe I'm the only one happy about that LOL. Again...I digress. Anyway I saw this beautiful story on GMA this morning. I had already decided last night to blog today, as it's been way too long since my last post. I must admit I changed my topic instantly after I saw the story of Ryan and Amanda. Ryan Leaks, a motivational speaker from Dallas, TX, proposed AND married Amanda Roman in ONE DAY! This wasn't a result of any of the normal impulsive reasoning such as, "she was pregnant" or "they were drunk" or "in Vegas" or even because they decided to "go to the justice of the peace." This was not spontaneous, although it would seem to be so, it was methodically planned out and no detail was untouced!

Ryan overheard his then girlfriend, Amanda Roman, say to her friend how cool it would be to become engaged and married on the same day. She didn't think of all of the intricacies that her "dream day" would entail so she sort of dismissed it from there. Ryan took one year to plan every inch of her dream day and used her wedding board where she had "re-pinned" over 220 photos on pinterest as his guide. C'mon really didn't think a guy pulled this off by himself, did you? LOL! On June 7, 2013, 5 years to the day that they met, Ryan proposed AND gave Amanda the wedding of her dreams and married her on the same day!

This got my wheels to spinning! How often do we say things in passing conversation and don't realize that GOD is listening? It amazed me that she spoke her dream and unbeknownst to her as she went about her daily life, filled with ups and downs, she was being set up to live out what she had already spoken. GOD doesn't need to pay attention to our various social media outlets, he reads something greater, our hearts! It is His pleasure to give us the desires of our heart in accordance with His will. The bible says that He will not withhold any good thing from us. GOD pays attention to our prayers, every tear that drops, all of the emotions we feel and the unspoken words in our spirit. Just like He did with Esther, he prepares us for specific moments in time that are both for His glory and to bless you! Don't think that GOD isn't working just because you don't see or feel any changes in your daily life. You planted the seed and just know that powerful things are taking place underground, in darkness and out of sight.

If Ryan took a year to plan ONE day, and not just any day, Amanda's dream day, and she not be the wiser...don't count GOD out! He is working while you're waiting. And, not just working on anything ordinary, no He's working on something AMAZING! P:31 Ladies, do NOT settle in life or in love. You deserve an amazing love story too! Stop settling for the rest and wait on GOD's best. And no matter what gender you are, trust that things are moving into place for you to live out your dreams. GOD isn't just the promise keeper, He's the promise maker! One day can change your entire life.

His Joy,

Christian Joy

Find Ryan and Amanda's story here

Also The P:31 Store is officially open!!!! We have different styles, sizes and colors. I'm so excited about it and I'm in love with the shirts. I know you'll love them too. Be sure to help us spread this amazing news! Now we can represent being virtuous in style! Check our P:31 Store here!

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